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Soins de la Robe » Carr & Day & Martin Equimist 360 Canter Silk Mane & Tail


Carr Day Martin Mane & Tail Conditioner

Keeps the mane and tail sleek, tangle-free and luxuriously soft


Never equalled in its ability to keep the mane and tail sleek, tangle-free and luxuriously soft. This powerful detangler is our most popular product and is a favourite around the world. This original, long-lasting conditioner makes grooming quick and easy, and reduces hair breakage all while leaving an immaculate, oil free shine.


Manes – Spray the fine mist over the mane and brush or comb through well.

Tails – Hold the tail away from the horse, then gently drop sections of the hair through the mist spray. Brush through with a soft body brush or comb.

For best results, shampoo first with Gallop Shampoo. Can be used on wet or dry hair. Results are immediate and last for up to 2 weeks.

Size: 600ml, 1 Litre, 5 Litre

Disponible en:
  • Contenu: 600ml.

Variations du produit en stock:

Contenu Quantité
600ml 2

Variations de produit qui ne sont pas en stock seront générallement disponible avec un délai de 1 à 3 jours.

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Prix: 22,00 €

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